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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 360   View pdf image (33K)
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1829.                                                                    LAWS OF MARYLAND.

  CHAP. 33.  

Passed Jan. 15, 1830.
                                        CHAPTER 33.

An act to incorporate the Protestant Episcopal Sunday School
                      Society of St. Pauls' Parish, Baltimore.

Corporate powers
    Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Reverend William Edward Wyatt, D. D. Rector of St.
Paul's Parish, in Baltimore county, and his successors in the
Rectorship, John Gibson, Isaac McKim, Samuel J. Donaldson,
Edward G. Woodyear, John B. Morris, William Lorman,
George C. Grundy, Thomas B. Grundy, Hugh D. Evans,
and the other patrons, officers, managers and members of the
voluntary association, called the Protestant Episcopal Sunday
School Society of St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, with the successors
of the officers and managers, and all other persons
hereafter admitted members, shall be and they are hereby incorporated
and declared a body corporate and politic, by the
name of " The Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Society of
St. Pauls' Parish, Baltimore," and shall have perpetual succession,
power to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, to
make and have a common seal, and to break and alter the same
at their pleasure, to make bye laws as they may think fit, and
the same to alter at their pleasure, to provide for the mode of
admitting new members into the corporation, the election of
officers and managers, to receive voluntary contributions, and
to hold property, real, personal and mixed, not exceeding in
the whole the value of ten thousand dollars.


Passed Jan. 19, 1830.
                                        CHAPTER 34.

An act to change the time of holding the November term of
                              Queen Anns County Court.

    Section 1.  Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That so much of an Act of Assembly, passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, chapter one
hundred and eighty-two, as relates to the holding of Queen
Anns County Court, on the third Monday in the month of November,
be and the same is hereby repealed.
Time fixed.
    Sec. 2.  And be it enacted, That from and after the passage
of this act, the said Court shall be holden at Centreville, in
said county, on the first Monday of November, in each and
every year thereafter, instead of the third Monday, as now
provided by said act of Assembly.

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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 360   View pdf image (33K)
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