to allow them such a sum for their services as in
their judgment
may be right and proper.
CHAP. 30.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted,
That in case of the death of
Samuel Irving, or on his resigning or refusing to act as such
commissioner as aforesaid, then and in that case the Governor
and Council, be, and they are hereby authorised to appoint
a suitable person in his stead, from the State of Pennsylvania.
In case of death,
——— |
A further additional supplement to the act entitled, " an act for
the relief
of sundry Insolvent Debtors."
Passed Jan. 16, 1830.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall and may be lawful
for any county court, in which a petition for the benefit of
the Insolvent Laws of this State may be depending, upon the
answer of any Insolvent Debtor to interrogatories exhibited,
or upon the trial of any issue or issues by a jury upon any allegations
which may be filed against him, or upon the continuance
of such petition to any term subsequent to that to which
such interrogatories may be exhibited or allegations filed to
award to the creditor or creditors exhibiting such interrogatories
or filing such allegations, or to the petitioner, his or their
reasonable costs, in like ample manner as they are now authorised
to do, in all other cases depending in said courts.
A further supplement to the act, entitled an act, to amend and
reduce into one system the Laws to Direct Descents.
Passed Jan. 23, 1830.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the provisions of the twenty-ninth sections of the Act of Assembly,
entitled, An act to amend and reduce into system the
Laws to Direct Descents, be and they are hereby extended to
all cases in which any person or persons may have or shall
hereafter become the purchaser or purchasers of, or in any
other manner become entitled to the undivided interest and estate
of the heirs, or any one of them, of any person who may
have died, or shall hereafter die intestate, seized of real estate
in the manner contemplated by the act to which this is a further
Provisions extended.