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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 358   View pdf image (33K)
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1829.                                                                                  LAWS OF MARYLAND.

  CHAP. 30.  

Passed Feb. 1, 1830.
                                        CHAPTER 30.

An act to appoint commissioners to establish the boundary line
    between Harford and Cecil counties.

    Section 1.  Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
James Steel and Stephen Boyed of Harford county, and
Washington Hall and Levi H. Evans of Cecil county, and
Samuel Irving of Chester county and state of Pennsylvania, be
and they are hereby authorised and empowered, as commissioners,
to mark, run, bound and establish the divisional line
between Harford and Cecil counties.
    Proceedings directed.
    Sec. 2.  And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall meet at the head of the canal in Cecil county, on the second
Monday of May next, or within thirty days thereafter,
and the said commissioners or a majority of them, when thus
assembled, shall proceed to discharge their duties enjoined
upon them by the provisions of this act, they first having taken
an oath, to be administered to them by a justice of the
peace of Harford or Cecil counties, faithfully and impartially
to locate and establish said line, in such manner as they, or
a majority of them, shall think right and proper.
    Sec. 3.  And be it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid,
or a majority of them, after they shall have carefully run
out, marked and established the said line, aforesaid described,
shall cause two plats of the same to be made out, and shall
make out also, two several certificates, under their hands and
seals, specifying the courses and distances, marks and boundaries,
fixed and made by them to dissignate the said line, one
of which said plats and certificates, shall be returned to
the clerk of Harford county court, and the other shall be returned
to the clerk of Cecil county court, to be recorded in
the land record books of said counties respectively.
Case of vacancy.
    Sec. 4.  And be it enacted, That if either of said commissioners
shall die before the said law is carried into execution,
or refuse to act in accordance with the provisions thereof,
the county commissioners for Harford or Cecil, as the case may
be, shall be authorised and empowered to fill such vacancy
which may occur in their respective counties, from the causes
above specified.
Defray expenses.
    Sec. 5.  And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the county
commissioners of Harford and Cecil counties, to levy and assess
on the assessable property of their respective counties, a
sum sufficient to defray the expenses arising in virtue
of this act, one half of which, to be defrayed by each county.
    Sec. 6.  And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall be entitled to four dollars per day for every day
they may be employed in establishing said line, and shall
have the power to employ a surveyor and chain carriers, and

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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 358   View pdf image (33K)
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