An act for the relief of Richard Beall sheriff of Allegany county.
CHAP. 28.
Passed Feb. 1, 1830.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the levy court of Allegany county, be, and they are hereby
authorised and empowered, to assess and levy upon the assessable
property of said county, such sum as they in their discression
shall deem reasonable and just, as a compensation to
Richard Beall, sheriff of said county, for expenses incurred
and services performed by him in the apprehension and confinement
of George Swearingen, who was executed in said
county, in October last.
Levy authorised.
A supplement to the act, entitled, an act for the construction of a
Canal through Frederick county.
Passed Feb. 1, 1830.
WHEREAS, It is represented to the General
Assembly, that
the capital mentioned in the first section of said act, is inadequate
to the object contemplated, therefore,
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the capital mentioned in the first section of the act,
to which this is a supplement, shall be increased to two hundred
and fifty thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of
twenty dollars each, as by said act directed, and that the commissioners
named in the said act, or any one or more of them,
shall be authorised to re-open books for subscription at any
times or places, that may be deemed expedient, to effect subscriptions
for said stock.
Increase capital.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That the President and Directors
of the Frederick county canal company, are hereby authorised
and empowered, by due process of law, in an action of
debt, to enforce payment of stock, for which subscription
shall be obtained.
Authority to enforce
Sec. 3. And be it enacted,
That said President and Directors,
shall have power and authority, to appropriate to the use
of the Frederick county Canal Company any water power,
that said canal may afford or supply, and to acquire and
hold in fee, such real and personal estate, as may be convenient,
for that purpose, or if preferred, to sell and
dispose of said water power, for the benefit of said company.
Water power.