CHAP. 25.
he shall have and receive such fees as by law he is
to for like services; and in case such clerk of Allegany county
Court shall neglect or refuse to comply with any of the
provisions or requisitions contained in this act, when called
on by the said commissioners, or the clerk thereof, by their order,
he shall, for every such neglect or refusal, forfeit and pay to
the said commissioners for the use of the said county, the sum
of one hundred dollars, to be recovered by indictment or action
in Allegany County Court.
Book cases.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted,
That it shall be the duty of the
commissioners, at their first meeting, or within one month
thereafter, to appoint some proper person to erect or cause to
be erected and fitted up in the court house of said county, a
suitable book case, in which the books, papers, and documents,
belonging to the commissioners, may be safely deposited
and kept.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted,
That each of the said commissioners
shall be entitled to receive two dollars per day, for
every day that he shall necessarily attend to the duties of his
Authority to levy,
&c.—suits at law.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted,
That the said commissioners
shall and may, at any time during each and every year, make,
complete, and close their levy, any law to the contrary notwithstanding;
and that all suits at law or in equity, which may
be pending at the time of the passage of this act, by or
against the justices of the Levy Court of said county, shall be
carried on and prosecuted to a final determination in like manner,
and have the same legal effect, either in favor of or
against the commissioners, provided for by this act, as if the
said suit or suits, had been instituted by or against the said
Sec. 12. And be it enacted,
That so much of any act or acts
of the General Assembly, as may be contrary to, or inconsistent
with, the provisions of this act, be, and the same is and are
hereby repealed.
Passed Jan. 29, 1830.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, an act for the relief of John
Aisquith, administrator of Robert C. Aisquith, late collector
of taxes for the city of Baltimore, deceased, and of his securities.
WHEREAS, provision was made by the original
act to which
this is a supplement, for the suppression of legal proceedings
upon certain suits or judgments therein mentioned, against
John Aisquith, administrator of Robert C. Aisquith, and his
securities; and whereas it has been represented to this General