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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 355   View pdf image (33K)
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            THOMAS KING CARROLL, ESQ. GOVERNOR.                                                                                                    1829.

Assembly, that said collection mentioned in said act,
were not completed by the said John Aisquith, administrator
of the said Robert; and that the said John Aisquith hath departed
this life, and that Henry Aisquith hath obtained letters
of administration de bonis non, upon the estate of the said
Robert C. Aisquith, and hath applied for a further suspension
of said proceedings, the granting of which appears reasonable
and proper, now therefore,
  CHAP. 26.  
    Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all the proceedings suspended by the said act to which this is
a supplement, be and they are hereby further suspended in
favor of the said Henry Aisquith, until the first day of January,
eighteen hundred and thirty-one; Provided however,
That nothing in this act contained, shall prevent judgment
being obtained and entered against the said Henry Aisquith,
as administrator de bonis non, or against the securities of
said Robert C. Aisquith, in the suit now pending against them,
as aforesaid, where no judgments have yet been obtained or
entered up; And provided also, That the said Henry Aisquith
shall give bond to the state, in the penalty of two thousand
dollars, with security, to be approved by the Judges of Baltimore
County Court, conditioned that he shall and will faithfully
pay over, according to law, the several sums that may
be by him collected; And provided also, That nothing in this
act contained shall have validity or effect, unless on or before
the first day of March next, the securities of the said Robert
C. Aisquith shall signify their assent to the provisions thereof
by writing, to be filed with the clerk of Baltimore county
court, which assent shall be recorded by said clerk, and a
certified copy thereof, under the seal of the court, shall be
evidence in any court of law or equity in this state.
Proceedings suspended.


                                        CHAPTER 27.

A further supplement to the act, entitled, an act for the distribution
    of a certain fund for the purpose of establishing Free
    Schools in the several counties therein mentioned.

Passed Jan. 29, 1830.
    Section 1.  Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Orphans' Court of Harford county be, and
they are hereby empowered and authorised, to draw, from
year to year, on the Treasurer of the Western Shore, and
the Treasurer is hereby required to pay to their order, the
proportion of the school fund to which said county is, or
hereafter may be entitled.
Authority to draw
from Treasury.
    Sec. 2.  And be it enacted, That the Orphans' Court of said
county shall, from time to time, as such monies come to their
hands, distribute the same in the manner it has heretofore been
    Orphans court to

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Session Laws, 1828, 1829
Volume 540, Page 355   View pdf image (33K)
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