they or either of them may maintain an action in
any county
court of this state; and the damages recovered after paying
all the expenses of said action, shall be held in trust for the
person so recovering, for the use and benefit of the negro
or negroes removed from the said State of Delaware; and so
much of said damages as may be necessary, shall be used in
discovering and bringing back the negro or negroes removed.
An act for the benefit of the German Baptist's or Tunker's Society,
of Frederick county.
Passed Jan. 9, 1830.
WHEREAS it is represented to this General
Assembly by
the petition of Martin Diahl, David Engler, Israel Haines, Jonathan
Plane and others, Members of the German Baptist's or
Tunkers' Society of Frederick county, that a certain Rudolph
Switzar, did by his last will, bearing date the eighth day of
September, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, bequeath unto
the German Baptist or Tunker Society, for the use of the poor,
the residue of his estate, not otherwise disposed of, to be paid
to John Garber of Samuel, and Samuel Pfoutz, by them to be
applied to the purposes aforesaid, and whereas by the existing
laws of this State, said bequest cannot be carried into effect,
and it is reasonable and proper that the benevolent purpose of
the testator should not be defeated; Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the
above named John Garber of Samuel, and Samuel Pfoutz be,
and they are hereby authorised and required to take and receive
such sum or sums of money as may be in the hands of
the executors or administrators of the said Rudolph Switzar,
and payable to them by his will aforesaid, and the same to apply
and use under the direction of the German Baptists or
Tunker's Society, according to the provisions of said [Swetzar's]
Authorised to receive
An act to authorise the Justices of the Levy Court of Allegany
county, to shut up certain streets and alleys in the town
of Cumberland, in Allegany county.
Passed Jan. 18, 1830.
Section 1. Be it enacted by
the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Justices of the Levy Court of Allegany county
be, and they are hereby authorised and empowered, by and
Empowered to
shut up streets, &c.