and repeal all such parts of the constitution and
form of government,
as relates to the division of Dorchester county into
Election Districts, be; and the same is hereby confirmed.
Passed Jan. 8, 1830
An act to authorise George Reed, William Whiteley, and William
K. Lockwood, as Trustees of Caleb Lockwood, to sell
the unexpired term of service of certain Negroes in the State
of Delaware.
Sale authorised.
Section 1 . Be it enacted
by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That George Reed, William Whitely, and William K.
Lockwood, be, and they are hereby authorised to sell and dispose
of, out of this State, the unexpired term of service of
[negro] Perry and Joshua, who were sold to a certain Caleb
Lockwood, and by him conveyed and made over to the said
George Reed, William Whitely and William K. Lockwood,
as trustees for the benefit of the creditors of the said Caleb
Lockwood, Provided nevertheless, That the said George Reed,
William [Whitely,] and William K. Lockwood, shall not sell
the unexpired term of service of the said negroes Perry and
Joshua, out of this State to any other than a bona fide resident
and inhabitant of the State of Delaware, who shall be
such at the time of said sale.
Compensation allowed
to clerk.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted,
That for the protection of the
future rights of the said negroes, whensoever the said George
Reed, William Whitely and William K. Lockwood, shall
make the said sale, it shall be their duty to recite the substance
of this act in the bill of sale, to be by them given for
the conveyance of the unexpired term of service of the said
negroes; and that the said bill of sale shall be acknowledged
before a justice of the peace of this state, and recorded in the
office of the clerk of Caroline county court; for the recording
of which the clerk shall receive such compensation as is
allowed for the recording of other deeds or bills of sale.
Sale may be made
—bond, $1000 penalty
Sec. 3. And be it enacted,
That the said special sale may be
made under the aforesaid restrictions, [and] laws of this state
to the contrary notwithstanding. And the said trustees are required
to take from the purchaser a bond in a penalty of one
thousand dollars, with good and sufficient security, residing in
this state, with condition that said negroes shall be removed
out of the State of Delaware, during their term of service;
and the said board shall be recorded in the clerks office if
Caroline county court; and either of the persons named in this
act, or either of their heirs, executors or administrators, shall
have power to demand a certified copy of the same, upon which
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