to have published, without delay, in one of the newspapers
printed in the state, the following public acts, which have
been passed during the present session, viz.
An act to prevent the unnecessary accumulation of costs
A further supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the
relief of sundry insolvent debtors, passed at November
session eighteen hundred and five, chapter 117.
A supplement to an act, entitled, An act to regulate the
issuing of licenses to traders, keepers of ordinaries, and
others, passed at December session 1827, chapter 117.
A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to authorise the
governor and council to appoint the inspectors of flour of
this state, passed at December session 1825, chapter 174.
And the editor of such newspaper shall he required to send
one copy of such newspaper to every printer of a newspa-
per within the state, and also to furnish as many copies, se-
necessary, to be certified and forwarded, immediately, to
the county court of each county, and to the city court of
No. 76.
Passed Mar 14, 1829
A Resolution providing for the discharge from imprison-
ment in the gaol of Baltimore county, of negro George
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the warden of the gaol of Baltimore county, be and he is
hereby authorised to discharge from imprisonment negro
George Thomas, charged with being the father of an ille-
gitimate child; Provided he be not in custody for any other
offence, or committed on other process.
No. 77.
Passed Mar 3,1829
A Resolution relative to the construction of certain parts of
the act, entitled, An act to regulate the issuing of licenses
to traders, keepers of ordinaries, and others, passed at
December session 1827, chapter 117.
WHEREAS, the act, entitled, An act to regulate the is-
suing of licenses to traders, keepers of ordinaries, and
others, passed at December session 1827, chapter 117, has