in several instances been misconstrued, nt:d suits have been
which were not intended to be embraced in the aforesaid
law; therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all prosecutions and suits of every kind, instituted in any
county court of this state, or in the city court of Bal-
timore, against any person or persons, for selling water-
mellons, or other domestic fruit, or oysters out of a wagon,
without a license, or against any licensed ordinary keeper,
for selling oysters in his own house, be and the same are
hereby ordered to be discontinued.
No. 78.
A Resolution relative to the printing, covering and. stitch-
ing, the usual number of laws and resolutions, passed at
the present session of the legislature, embracing an index
and marginal notes.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the clerk of the council immediately advertise three times
in all the newspapers printed in Annapolis, in two news-
papers printed in Baltimore, and in one newspaper printed
in Frederick and Hager's-town, and in one newspaper
printed on the eastern shore of this state, for proposals
printing, covering with blue paper, and stitching, the usual
number of laws and resolutions, passed at the present ses-
sion of the legislature, embracing an index and marginal
notes, and within twenty days from the passage of this re-
solution he shall contract for said printing, covering and
stitching, on the lowest and best terms; Provided that the
contractors shall enter into bond and security to deliver the
said laws at the city of Annapolis within thirty days from
the close of the present session.
Passed Feb 25, 1829
No. 79.
A Report and Resolution relative to the number and condi-
tion of the Public Arms.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the governor be and he is hereby requested, to require of the
brigadier-generals throughout the state, to ascertain the con-
dition of the public arms within their respective commands;
whether they are now in the possession of those persons who
Passed Mar 14,1825