No. 73.
Resolutions to provide for the payment of Printing the Tes-
timony and Documents reported by the joint committee
appointed to investigate certain matters connected with
the subject of the Chancery Records, and for the trans-
mission of printed copies thereof, to the Members of the
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore pay to Jeremiah Hughes,
or order, such sum as he may be entitled to, for printing
the testimony and documents connected with the investiga-
tion of the subject of the chancery records, by the joint
committee of the two houses, at the same rate that he was
allowed for similar printing done for the house of delegates,
out of any money in the treasury, when he shall produce a
certificate from the clerk of the council that the work has
been performed.
Resolved further, That the governor and council for-
ward a copy of said documents and evidence to each of the
members of the legislature, along with the laws or journals.
Passed Mar 14, 1829
No. 74
A Resolution relative to the Sureties of State Debtors.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in every case wherein surety or sureties of any state
debtor shall have paid the debt due to the state, or any part
of it, the treasurer of the western or eastern shore, as the
case may be, shall, on application of such surety or sureties,
or his, her or their attorney, assign to him, her or them, all
the right of the state to such debt, or to so much thereof as
he, she or they, shall appear to have paid.
Passed Mar. 14, 1829
No. 75.
A Resolution providing for the publication, without delay,
in one of the newspapers printed in the state, of certain
public Acts which have been passed during the present
session, therein specified, and for other purposes.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the governor and council be and they are hereby requested
Passed Mar 2, 1829