No. 70.
Passed Mar 14,1829
A Resolution relating to the Public Printing.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the executive be directed to give notice, by advertisement,
for at least three consecutive weeks, before the first day of
October next, in two newspapers printed in the city of Bal-
timore, three on the eastern shore, and four on the western
shore, out of the city of Baltimore, that sealed proposals
will be received by them until the last Monday of Decem-
ber next, for the executing of the public printing of this
state, and that the said proposals be transmitted to the legis-
lature, to be opened at the commencement of their next
No. 71.
Passed Mar 1.1,1829
A Resolution to provide for the payment of additional
Printing done since the closing of the Journal of Ac-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore, pay to Jonas Green the
sum of six dollars, to Jeremiah Hughes thirty-nine dollars
and sixty cents, and to William M'Neir six dollars, for ad-
ditional printing done since the closing of the journal of
No. 72.
Passed Mar 14,1829
A Resolution to provide for the payment of certain Wit-
nesses, for their attendance before the Joint Committee
upon the subject of the Chancery Records.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore, be and he is hereby au-
thorised, to pay to the several persons who attended as wit-
nesses before the joint committee of the senate and house
of delegates on the chancery records, if they shall demand
it, the sum of fifty cents, per day, for each and every day
they so attended; Provided always, that the said witnesses
shall prove their attendance before some justice of the peace
for the city of Annapolis, and produce the same to the trea-