the direct tax in Worcester county, for the year 1822 and
1823; Provided, that such compensation shall not exceed
the sum of one hundred dollars, and that the same shall not
be allowed to the said Josiah Bayly, esquire, until the said
suits shall be finally determined.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore shall
be and is hereby authorised and required, to pay to the said
Josiah Bayly, such sum as the governor and council shall
allow him in conformity to the aforegoing resolution.
No. 68.
A Resolution providing for the payment to the Chief Clerks
of the two Branches of the Legislature, the amount of
money that may be expended by each of them under the
orders of the respective Houses, in furnishing Newspapers
for the Members thereof.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore, pay to Gideon Pearce,
chief clerk of the house of delegates, and Louis Gassaway,
chief clerk of the senate, out of any unappropriated money
in the treasury, the amount that may be expended by each
of them, under the orders of the respective houses, to pro-
vide newspapers for the members thereof.
Passed Mar 13,1829
No. 69.
A Resolution providing for the payment of the Members
and Officers of the respective Branches of the Legislature,
the sums of money that may be certified by the Chair-
man of the Committee on Claims, as due to them respec-
tively, from the period of the closing of the Journal of
Accounts up to Monday the sixteenth of March, inclu-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore, pay to the members of
the legislature, and to the officers of the respective houses,
whatever sum may be certified, by the chairman of the com-
mittee of claims, as due to each individual member or of-
ficer, from the period of the closing of the journal of ac-
counts, up to Monday the 16th instant, inclusive.
Passed Mar. 13, 1829