No. 63.
A Resolution requiring the Treasurer of the Western Shore
to deliver to the State Librarian certain Books therein
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore be, and he is hereby di-
rected to deliver to the state librarian four boxes of books,
deposited in the treasury by Eliakim Littell, under the act
of 1826, chapter 228, and that after retaining five copies of
each of the said books, for the use of the legislature, and
executive departments of the government, to hold the re-
sidue subject to the direction of the legislature.
Passed Mar. 13 1829
No. 63.
A Resolution for the suspension of further proceedings up-
on a Judgment obtained by the State against William
Scharf and William P. Mills.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all further proceedings upon a certain judgment obtained by
the state of Maryland, against William Scharf, William P.
Mills and others, be suspended against the said William
Scharf and William P. Mills, until, in the opinion of the
attorney-general, all the proper and necessary steps have
been taken upon said judgment to enforce payment from.
Charles S. Davis, one of the defendants in said judgment,
of his proportion of the judgment, as one of the co-iureties
with the said William P. Mills and William Scharf, of a
certain Robert H. Scharf, and until such steps have proved
ineffectual for the recovery of his said proportion from the
said Charles S. Davis; Provided always, that the attorney-
general shall be satisfied that at least two-thirds of the a-
mount of said judgment, and all the cost which have ac-
crued thereon, shall have been paid by the said William
Passed Mar 13, 1829
No. 64.
A Resolution in favour of Nathaniel Burk, of the city of
Baltimore, in consideration of his services during the Re-
volutionary War.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to
Nathaniel Burk, of the city of Baltimore, or to his order,
Passed Mar 13, 1829