messenger of the senate, and John Quynn, door keeper to
the house of delegates, the sum of sixty dollars each, for
taking care of the furniture, keeping in order and cleaning
of their respective rooms, during the recess of the legisla-
No. 59.
Passed Mar 13, 1829
A Resolution providing a compensation for the services of
the Chaplains of both branches of the Legislature, respec-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland. That
the treasurer of" the western shore pay to the Reverend Mr.
Vinton, chaplain of the house of delegates, and to the Re-
verend Mr. Blanchard, chaplain of the senate, or their re-
spective orders, each the sum of one hundred dollars, as
compensation for their respective services during the pre-
No. 60.
Passed Mar 13,1829
A Resolution in favour of Michael Burnham and Company.
Resolved, That the treasurer for the western shore be,
and he is hereby directed to pay, for the use of Michael
Burnham and Company, to Gottleb I. Grammer, their payee,
the sum of nine dollars, being so much heretofore placed on
the journal of accounts of December session 1824, to the
credit of ———— Coleman, of the said firm, and yet unpaid.
No. 61.
Passed Mar. 13,1829
A Resolution providing for the payment to the legal Repre-
sentatives of George Price, deceased, the balance of his
Pension, due at the time of his death.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to
the legal representatives of George Price, deceased, or to
their order, the balance of pension due the said George
Price, at the time of his death.