No. 19.
Passed Feb. 10, 1829
A Resolution providing for the payment of the sum of mo-
ney due William Price, esquire, late a Member of the
House of Delegates, and allowed him on the Journal of
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore.pay to
Joseph Dilly, esquire, such sum of money as maybe due
to William Price, esqnire, late a member of this house, and
allowed him on the journal of accounts; and that the said
Joseph Dilly, esqu'ire, account with the administrator or
administratrix of the said deceased for the sum received.
No. 20.
Passed Feb 13,1829
A Resolution authorising a contract for the making of two
copies of the plot of the Public Lands westward of Fort
Cumberland, and for other purposes.
Resolved, That the governor and council he and they are
hereby authorised and required, to contract with some com-
petent person to make two copies of the plot of the public
lands westward of Fort Cumberland, one of them to be
deposited in the clerk's office of Allegany 'county, for the
inspection of all persons wishing to see the same, and the
other in the land-office for the western shore; and that a
sum, not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars, be al-
lowed for the same, and that the treasurer of the western
shore be and he is hereby authorised and required to pay,
to the order of the governor, to such person as the gover-
nor and council shall contract with, any such sum not ex-
ceeding the sum aforesaid.
No. 21.
Passed Fcb 18,1829
A Resolution, with its preamble, requiring the Clerk of the
Council to deliver over to the Register of the Land-Office
for the Western Shore certain Record Books, therein men-
tioned, in which are recorded a number of old Leases of
Lands in this State.
WHEREAS there are several record books which belonged
to the office of the late auditor-general, in which are record-
ed a number of old leases of lands in this state, that by an