with masts and spars, and other rich productions of the
forest, and the indispensable articles of salt, to any extent
which the wants of many millions may demand.
Pursuing the downward course of the Pocomoke, the
committee perceive that it meanders through a large extent
of Worcester and Somerset counties, until it debouches in
an expanded bay of the same name on the northern border
of Virginia, and they have been informed that the difficul-
ties of the shallow water, which interrupt the navigation
at the mouth of that river, might be overcome by a canal
across the southern extremity of Somerset county.
The committee, therefore, in pursuance of that liberal
policy which has distinguished the legislature of this state,
with intent to ascertain the practicability and probable cost
of the several improvements in contemplation, beg leave to
recommend the adoption of the following resolutions:—
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Littleton U. Dennis, of Somerset county, David K. Hop-
kins and Johnson Gray, of Worcester county, be and they
are hereby authorised to act as commissioners, with powers
to employ an engineer and surveyor, at their discretion, if
they shall deem the same to be necessary, whose duty it
shall be to examine, explore and survey, that section of the
river Pocomoke, which lies between the town of Snow-Hill,
in Worcester county, and the line of the state of Delaware,
and the intermediate country between the said river and
the waters of Sinepuxent Bay; also the downward course
of the said river, and the country across the southern ex-
tremity of Somerset county, with a view to the ascertain-
ment of the practicability and expediency of the several
improvements contemplated by the preceding reference;
and report thereon, also, that it shall be the further duty of
the commissioners to digest and prepare a plan or plans for
effectuating the said improvements, and each of them, and to
report the same, with an estimate of the cost thereof, to
the legislature, at the commencement of their next session;
and in the event of a vacancy by resignation, death, or
other cause, the governor, by and with the advice of the
council, be and he is hereby authorised and requested to fill
such vacancy.
Further Resolved, That the governor, by and with the
advice and consent of the council, be and he is hereby au-
thorised and required, to make such compensation to the
commissioners, engineer and surveyor, to be appointed un-
der the foregoing resolution, when they shall have dis-
charged the duties therein prescribed, as he shall deem to be
just and reasonable, by an order drawn on the treasurer of
the western shore, who is hereby directed to pay the same.