Assented to by the General Assembly of Maryland, at
December Session, A. D. 1828.
No. 1.
A Resolution providing for the payment of the Members
and Officers of the present General Assembly, and the
Electors of President and Vice-President of the United
States, and their Officers.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to
the several members of the general assembly and the offi-
cers thereof, also to the electors of president and vice-pre-
sident of the United States, their clerks and officers, the a-
mount of the several sums due to them, and for which they
may obtain certificates from the chairman of the committee
of claims.
Passed Jan 6, 1829
No. 2.
A Resolution authorising the repayment to Joseph Kent,
Esq. of the money advanced by him, for the purchase of
Public Property for the use of the Government House.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and
he is hereby authorised and directed, to pay to the order of
Joseph Kent, Esquire, late Governor of Maryland, out of
any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the
sum of one hundred and fifty-three dollars and fifty-two
cents, the same being monies advanced by him for the pur-
chase of public property for the use of the government
Passed Jan 8, 1829
No. 3.
A Resolution authorising the grant of a land warrant to Da-
vis Richardson, of Frederick county.
Resolved, That the register of the land-office of the wes-
tern shore be and he is hereby authorised and directed, to is-
Passed Jan 22, 1829