sue to Davis Richardson, of Frederick county, aland warrant
for eighty-six and a half acres of land, to remunerate him
for the loss of a warrant of like amount granted on the
twentieth day of March, eighteen hundred and fifteen, to
Davis Richardson and Meredith Richardson, of Frederick
No. 4.
Passed Jan 26, 1829
A Resolution respecting the death of William Price, esquire,
late a Member of the House of Delegates from Allegany
Resolved unanimously, That the members of the legisla-
ture, as a testimonial of respect for the memory, and regret
at the death, of William Price, esquire, late a member of
the house of delegates, wear the usual mourning for thirty
days, and that the expenses incident to his funeral, be placed
on the journal of accounts.
No. 5.
Passed Jan 28, 1829
A Resolution in favour of Singleton Du Val, the late State's
Agent for the Western Shore.
Resolved, That the treasurer for the western shore pay-
to Singleton Duvall, the late states' agent for the western
shore, three hundred and sixty-four dollars, it being the a-
mount of commission accrued to him, in virtue of the laws
of this state, for the year ending first December eighteen
hundred and twenty eight as per the reports of the said
treasurer, and the committee of claims.
No. 6.
Passed Jan 29, 1829
A Resolution requiring the Armourer at Annapolis to de-
liver to Colonel Israel D. Maulsby, of Harford county,
certain arms and accoutrements, therein mentioned.
Resolved, That the armourer at Annapolis, be and he is
hereby required, to deliver, to Colonel Israel D. Maulsby,
of Harford county, a number not exceeding three hundred
stand of arms, with appropriate accoutrements, which the
said armourer may select, on his giving such security for
the safe keeping and return of the same, as the governor
and council may require.