CHAP. 200.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the treasurer for the western shore be and he
Treasurer to re-
ceive proof that
instalment similar
to that required of
state has been paid
is hereby authorised and required, before he proceeds to
pay any further instalment which has been or shall be, called
for on the state's subscription to the stock of the Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal Company, to demand and receive satisfac-
tory proof, by certificate under the seal of said company,
signed by the president, and two of the directors, one of
whom shall be a director on the part of the state, if there
be any then appointed, that the instalment, similar to that,
required to be paid on behalf of the state, and all the previ-
ous instalments which may have accrued on the stock of the
said company subscribed for by individual, and other stock-
holders, to the amount of two millions five hundred thou-
sand dollars, agreeably to the condition of subscription con-
tained in the above mentioned act, have been paid.
Passed Mar 14,1829
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act relating to
Lunatic and Insane Persons, passed at December Ses-
sion 1826, chapter 197.
Persons arrested
appearing to be
lunatic subject to
same proceedings
as other persons,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That when any person shall be arrested on any pro-
cess issued by any of the county courts of this state, of by
Baltimore city court, or by one of the judges of any of the
said courts, founded on oath, requiring security to keep the
peace, and shall fail to give such security: if such person ap-
pear to the court, or judge, (as the case, may be,) to be
lunatic or insane, or be alleged to be so, he shall be subject
to the same proceedings that are directed against persons ar-
rested for crimes or misdemeanors by the act to which this
is a supplement, and be in all respects dealt with as if his
case had been expressed and provided for in the said act.
Passed Mar. 14, 1829
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to reduce into
one the several acts relative to the times of holding
the Court of Appeals, and the several County Courts
in this State, and for other purposes.
WHEREAS by the act to which this act is a supplement,
the times for holding some of the courts in said act menti-
oned have been altered; therefore,
Pleas, process , &c
to be returnable,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That all causes, pleas, process and proceedings, ci-
vil and criminal, now pending in said courts, or hereafter
to be issued therefrom, shall be continued and returnable to
the days on which they are respectively required to beheld
by the act to which this act is a supplement.