constructed by the said act, shall be commenced within
two years after the passage of this act, and completed as
far as the line of this state, within five years thereafter.
CHAP. 198.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the eighth and ninth sec-
tions of the act to which this is a supplement, be and the
same are hereby repealed.
An Act relating to Pleas of Misnomer.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That no writ or action, which shall hereafter be sued
out or commenced, shall abate or be discontinued, or any bail,
or other security therein, be discharged, because of the mis-
nomer of any defendant named therein, or because of any
want of, or mistake in the addition to the name of any de-
fendant, if it shall appear, on suggestion, supported by affi-
davit or affirmation, of the plaintiff, or other proof to the
satisfaction of the court, that the party arrested or summon-
tended to bs sued by such writ, or in such action; and the
court may on motion, supported by affidavit, or other proof
as aforesaid, either before or after plea in abatement, permit
and direct any writ, declaration, plea or entry, to be amend-
ed, by inserting therein the true name or addition of any
defendant, or making such entry, or correction, or permit-
ting such declaration or plea or proceeding, to be filed, as
the circumstances of each case may require, and the court
may, in their discretion, or in pursuance of any rule to be
by them adopted, allow or refuse costs to the defendant, on
making or permitting any such amendment.
Passed Mar 14,1829
A Further Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for
the Promotion of Internal Improvement.
Passed Mar 14,1829
ther supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the promo-
lion of internal improvement, passed at December session
1827, chapter 105, it is provided, that before payment shall
be required of any instalment called for on the state's sub-
scription of stock in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Com-
pany, the instalments, similar to that required to be paid
on behalf of the state, shall first be paid on the stock of the
said company subscribed for by individual, and other stock-
holders, to the amount of two millions five hundred thou-
sand dollars; and it has been doubted whether the treasurer
is authorised to require satisfactory proof of such payment
by individual, and other stockholders, before he pays any
instalment on the part of the slate: for the removal of
which doubt,