CHAP. 196.
in relation to any such obstruction, until after the end of
the next general assembly.
Passed Mar 14,1829
An Act to fix and make permanent the Salaries of cer-
tain Officers of the Civil Government.
Salaries of officers
Sec 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the following officers of the civil government,
for the time being, shall be entitled to receive at the rate of
the following salaries, in current money, whilst they con-
tinue in office: The treasurer of the western-shore the sum
of two thousand dollars; the treasurer of the eastern-shore
the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars; the examiner-
general the sum of eight hundred dollars, including his legal
fees; each member of the executive council, the sum of five
hundred dollars; the clerk of the, executive council, the sum
of fifteen hundred dollars; the clerk of the senate the sum
of one hundred and fifty dollars; the clerk of the house of
delegates the sum of three hundred dollars; the messenger
of the executive council the sum of four hundred dollars.
Passed Mar 14,1829
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to authorise
the New-Castle and French- Town Turnpike Compa-
ny, to make a Rail Road from French-Town, on Elk
River, to the Delaware line, in a direction towards
New-Castle, passed at December session 1827, chap-
ter 207.
WHEREAS by the ninth section of the act to which this is
a supplement, it is provided, that the said act shall not take
effect until the legislature of Delaware pass an act similar, in
all its provisions, to the aforesaid act: And whereas the le-
gislature of Delaware, at their last session, did pass an act
relating to the said subject, which is similar, in some of its
provisions, but materially different in others, which it is not
deemed proper by the legislature of Maryland to require
plement, to conform to; therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the persons mentioned in the first section of
the act, to which this is a supplement, may proceed to call
the meeting of stockholders, open books, receive subscrip-
tions, and they, and the stockholders, and other persons
mentioned in the said act, may proceed to put the same into
full operation, so far as relates to the state of Maryland, in
the manner authorised by the said act, as fully, to all in-
tents and purposes, as if the legislature of Delaware had
passed an act similar in all its provisions to the said act;
Provided, that the rail road authorised to be laid out and