An Act for the Revaluation of the Real and Personal
Property in Charles County.
CHAP. 194.
Passed Mar 13, 1829
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the commissioners of the tax for Charles coun-
nieet at the coqntv town of said county, as soon as may be
practicable after the passage of this act, and there proceed
to revalue and reassess the real and personal property of said
county, agreeably to the provisions of an act, passed at No-
veinber session eighteen hundred and twelve, entitled, An
act for the valuation of real and personal property in the
several counties of this state; and the said commissioner
are hereby authorised and empowered, to carry into full
effect and operation, within the said county, all the provi-
sions of the aforesaid act of eighteen hundred and twelve.
Property to be
An Act to authorise Samuel Peaco, of the City of An-
napolis, to have recorded a Deed, therein mentioned,
and for other purposes.
Passed Mar 13, 1829
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That it shall and may be lawful for Samuel Peaco,
of the city of Annapolis, to have a certain deed of convey-
ance between John Ireland, late of Anne-Arundel county,
deceased, of the one part, and the said Samuel Peaco, of the
city of Annapolis, of the other part, and dated the eighth
day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and ninety-one, recorded among the land re-
cords of Anne-Arundel county court; and upon such re-
cording the said deed shall be firm and vailid, to all intents
and purposes whatever; and the property thereby intended
to be conveyed, shall vest in the said Samuel Peaco, as fully
and amply, to all intents and purposea, ss if the said deed
had been recorded according to law; Provided, that no-
thing in this act contained shall operate or be construed so as
to interfere with, or in anywise affect, the rights of third
tween the execution of the same, and the passage of this law.
Deed of convey-
ance to be record-
An Act for the relief of Jacob Hoblitsell, of Allegany
County, and for other purposes.
Passed Mar 14, 1829
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That any suit, in which the state is a party, now
gnding in Allegany county court against the said Jacob
oblitzell, for obstructing the road, for which he is pre-
sented in Allegany county court, shall be discontinued,,and
no farther proceedings shall be had, on behalf of the state,
Suit now pending
in Allegany coun-
ty court to be dis-