Roger B. Taney, William W. Tay!or, Peter Sauerwine,
William F. Small, Humphrey Peirce, Isaac Schriver, John
Fisher, William Shipley, junior, Nicholas Snyder, Philip
Nichodemus, John M'Kaleb, William Willis, Jesse Sling-
luff, Jacob Schriver, Washington Vanbibber, Adam Show-
ers, Jacob Matthias, David Kephart, David Agner, Abra-
ham Wampler, Isaac Baugher, Joshua Gist, Peter Royer,
John Ely, George Campbell, Philip Littig, Joseph Hook,
junior, John S. Schriver, Jacob Reese, Evan M'Instry,
Silas Hebbard, and Daniel Boyle, be and they are hereby
appointed commissioners, under the direction of a majority
of whom, subscriptions may be received to the capital stock
of the Baltimore and Westminster Rail Road Company,
hereby incorporated; and they, or a majority of them, may
cause books to be opened at such times and places as they
may direct, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to
the capital stock of said company, after having given such
notice by advertisement, for at least three successive weeks,
in one newspaper in Baltimore, and one in Frederick-town,
of the times and places of opening the same; and that upon
the first opening of said books they shall be kept open in
the city of Baltimore and Frederick-town, for at least five
successive days, from ten o'clock A. M. until two o'clock
P. M. and if at the expiration of that period such a sub-
scription to the capital stock of said company, as is neces-
sary to its incorporation, shall not have been obtained, the
said commissioners, or a majority of them, may cause the
said books to be opened from time to time, after the expi-
ration of the said five clays, for the space of three years
thereafter, or until the sum necessary to the incorporation
of the company shall be subscribed; if sooner subscribed,
and if any of the said commissioners shall die, resign, or
refuse to act during the continuanre of the duties devolved
upon them by this act, another may be appointed in his
stead, by the remaining commissioners, or a majority of
CHAP. 193.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of the
said Baltimore and Wesminster Rail Road Company shall
be five hundred thousand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars
each, of which five hundred shares shall be reserved for
subscription by the state of Maryland, and five hundred
for the city of Baltimore, for the space of twelve months
after the passage of this act by the legislature of Maryland,
and the remaining nine thousand shares may be subscrib-
ed for by any corporation, or by individuals; and as soon
as two thousand shares of the said capital stock shall be
subscribed, the subscribers of the said stock, their succes-
sors and assigns, shall be, and they are hereby declared to
be, incorporated into a company by the name of The Bal-
timore and Westminster Rail Road Company, and by that
Captial Company