CHAP. 192.
her session eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, chapter one
hundred and four, which said proviso is in the following
words, to wit, "And provided furthermore, and it is hereby
enacted, that upon the adoption of either alternative, a ca-
pital equal to ten per centum at the least, on the gross a-
mount of each loan, shall be made from any unappropriated
money in the treasury, and the same shall be invested in
some safe and productive stock as aforesaid, and the inte-
rest, dividends or profits, arising therefrom, shall be re-in-
vested as aforesaid, for the eventual redemption of each of
the said loans to be negotiated as aforesaid," be and the
same is hereby repealed.
Proviso of the 2d
section of an act
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the last proviso of the
second section of an act, entitled, A further supplement to
the act, entitled, An act for the promotion of internal im-
provement, passed at December session eighteen hundred
and twenty-seven, chapter one hundred and five, which said
proviso is in the following words, to wit. "And provided
furthermore, and it is hereby enacted, That upon the adop-
tion of either alternative, a capital equal to ten per centum,
at the least, on the gross amount of each loan, shall be made
from any unappropriated money in the treasury, and the
same shall be invested in some safe and productive stock as
aforesaid, and the interest, dividends or profits, arising there-
from, shall be re-invested as aforesaid for the eventual re-
demption of each of the said loans, to be negotiated as afore-
said," be and the same is hereby repealed.
Certain monies set
apart to pay
current expenses
of the year
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That any money now in the
treasury set apart in obedience to such parts of the above
recited acts as are repealed by this act, be and the same is
hereby appropriated to pay the current expenses of the year
eighteen hundred and twenty-nine.
24th section of an
act repealed
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the 24th section of an
act, passed at December session eighteen hundred and
twenty-five, chapter one hundred and eighty, entitled, An
act for the promotion of internal improvement, be and the
same is hereby repealed, and that any money which may
have accrued under the said 24th section of said act, be
and the same is hereby appropriated to pay the current ex-
penses of the year eighteen hundred and twenty-nine.
Passed Mar 13,1829
An Act to incorporate the Baltimore and Westminster
Sail Road Company.
Books for subscrip-
tions to be opened
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That David Winchester, Isaac Phillips, Henry
Payson, Talbot Jones, Isaac Edmundson, John Reese,