An Act to make valid a certain Deed of Mortgage there-
CHAP. 190.
in mentioned.
Passed Mar 13,1829
a certain John Cooper, of Prince-George's county, did, on
the first day of January eighteen hundred and twenty-five,
execute a deed of mortgage to a certain Benjamin Duvall,
senior, of the county aforesaid: And whereas it appears
the clerk of said county, that the said deed of mortgage
hundred and twenty-five, in Liber A B. No. 3, pages
four hundred and eighty-three and four hundred and eighty-
four: And whereas it also appears that the said deed of
mortgage was not acknowledged before two justices of the
peace, as the law directs; therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the said deed of mortgage shall and may be
good, to all intents and purposes, as if the said deed of
mortgage had been acknowledged agreeable to law, any
thing contained therein to the contrary notwithstanding.
Deed made good
An Act for the payment of the Journal of Accounts.
WHEREAS it appears by the journal of accounts of this
session, that there is due from this state the sum of thirty-
seven thousand nine hundred and thirty dollars and ninety-
five cents; therefore,
Passed Mar 14, 1829
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the treasurer of the western shore be and
he is hereby authorised and required, to pay the seve-
ral persons, their executors, administrators, assigns or or-
the several sums of current money allowed to them respec-
tively, as they appear to be settled and ascertained by the
said journal of accounts, out of any money now in the trea-
sury, or that shall come into the treasury, subject to the ap-
propriation of the general assembly.
Treasurer autho-
rised to pay
An Act relating to the Sinking Funds of this State.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the last proviso of the fourth section of an
act, entitled, A supplement to the act, entitled, An act for
the promotion of internal improvement, passed at Decem-
Passed Mar 13, 1829
Proviso of the 4th
section of an act