by. and Joseph R. Ford, for the twelfth district of said coun-
ty, be and they are hereby trustees for distribution of the
school fund for the said districts respectively; and in case of
the death, resignation or removal from his district, of any
of the said trustees, th'e commissioners of Baltimore county
shall appoint a person residing in the same district, to fill
the vacancy thereby occasioned; and the said trustees, for
each of their respective election districts, shall receive an
equal portion of the school fund annually paid to the com-
missioners of Baltimore county, in proportion to the popu-
lation of each district, as near as practicable, which such
trustees shall apply, in the most beneficial way in their pow-
er, to aid in the education or instruction of the greatest pos-
sible number of the children residing in such district, giv-
ing the preference to those who are orphans, or the children
port, and next to the children of poor parents; and the com-
missioners of Baltimore county may regulate the mode of
applying and using the said fund for the purpose aforesaid,
in each district, and limit the amount to be applied to the
instruction of each child, from time to time, as they may
deem judicious; and the said trustees shall annually exhi-
bit to the said commissioners a full and particular account
of all monies by them distributed, and the names of the
children to aid whose instruction their portion of the
fund has been applied, with such other particulars, and in
such form, as the said commissioners shall direct and re-
CHAP. 185.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That if any trustee appointed
as aforesaid shall appropriate any part of the school fund
entrusted to him, to his own use or benefit, or in any other
this act, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
he shall be adjudged to pay treble the amount so misappli-
ed, to the use, and in aid of the school fund of the district
for which he shall be trustee at the time of such misappli-
cation, and to be imprisoned until he shall make such pay-
ment, and he shall moreover be removed from office, and
another trustee appointed in his stead.
Any trustee misap-
plying fund to be
guilty of a misde-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That so much of any former
act or acts of assembly, as may be inconsistent with the pro-
visions of this act, shall be and the same is hereby repeal-
ed, and that all monies now in the hands of the school fund
commissioners, and not applied, shall be forthwith paid over
to the county commissioners aforesaid.