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the case may be, and the said infant defendant or defend-
ants have been secreted or kept out of the way, or prevent-
ed from being served with the process of said court, or have
or shall secrete himself, herself or themselves, or keep out
of the way so as to avoid the process of said court being
served on him, her or them, and the usual proceedings of
such court have thereby failed to be of effect, and the court
before whom such bill is pending shall be satisfied of the
truth of such facts, then and in such case the said court may
make an order, directing and appointing such infant de-
fendant or defendants to appear at a certain day therein to
be named, and a copy of such order shall forthwith be in-
serted in such newspaper as such court shall direct, and
continue therein for six successive weeks, and if she or
they do. not appear within the time limited by such order,
or within such further time as the said court shall appoint,
then, on proof made of such publication of such order, the
court may order the bill of the complainant or complainants
to be taken pro confesso, and make such decree thereupon as
shall be thought just.
Passed Mar. 12, 1829
An Act to provide for the distribution of that part of
the School Fund which is appropriated to Baltimore
Fund to be paid to
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the moiety of the school fund which Balti-
more county, exclusive of the city of Baltimore, is annual-
ly entitled to by law, shall hereafter be paid by the treasu-
rer for the western shore of this state, to the commissioners
of Baltimore county, in trust, to be applied proportionably
in the several election districts of Baltimore county, in aid
of the education of orphan and other poor children, in es-
tablishing free schools in each of the said districts.
Trustees appointed
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That Theodore Anderson and
Nathaniel H. Ellicott, for the first election district of Bal-
timore county; John Crook and John T. Randall for the se-
cond district; Elias Brown and Peter Little, for the third
district; John Gorsuch and William Jamison, for the fourth
district; John Patterson and John Sumwalt, for the fifth dis-
trict; Frederick Ritter and William Houch, for the sixth
district; Richard Frisby and Thomas Johnson, for the se-
venth district; George Harryman and John S. Webster, for
the eighth district; William Matthews and Doctor James R.
Moore, for the ninth district; Thomas Pearce and Joshua
Hutchins, for the tenth district; John B. Howard and Ben-
jamin Buck, for the eleventh districts William C. Weather-