CHAP. 186,
Passed Mar 13, 1829
Person causing or
procuring any
cockfighting, &c
to be prosecuted
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act relating to
the Police of the City of Baltimore.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That if any person or persons shall wilfully cause
or procure any bull-baiting, cock-fighting, or the fighting
of dogs, or other animals, or shall wilfully and wickedly
on any domestic animal within the limits of the city of
Baltimore, every such person so offending, and those aid-
ing or abetting therein, shall be liable to prosecution and
punishment in Baltimore City Court, in the same manner
as other misdemeanors are now liable to be prosecuted and
punished; or, at the election of the accused, the matter
may be tried before either of the judges of said court, and
upon conviction may be punished as aforesaid; Provided
nevertheless, that if the offence be committed by a slave,
the court or judge before whom the case shall be tried,
may, in lieu of other punishment, order that such slate
shall be punished by whipping, not exceeding thirty-
nine stripes.
Sectuib if former
act repealed
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the second section of
the act of 1817, chapter 190, to which this is a supplement,
be and the same is hereby repealed; Provided nevertheless,
that all indictments now pending under said act, shall be
heard and determined in the same manner as it the second
section of the said act had not been repealed.
Passed Mar 13,1829
An Additional Supplement to the act, entitled, An act
relating to Sheriffs, and for other purposes.
In case any editor
of a newpaper re-
fuses to publish
notice of sheriff &c
for sale of slaves, &c
such notice may be
set up at court
house doors
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That in case that any editor of a newspaper in any
county in this state, shall refuse or neglect to publish, on
Application to him by the sheriff, coroner, or elisor, the
notice required to be given by said sheriff, coroner, or eli-
sor, for the sale of negro slaves, lands or tenements, here-
after to be made in virtue of a fieri facias, or venditioni
exponas; the same may be given by advertisement, set up
at least twenty days before the day of sale at the court-
house door of the county, and other public places in the
county in which the negro slaves, lands or tenements, may
be; Provided nevertheless, that the said sheriff, coroner or
elisor. shall to his return to said fieri facias or venditioni
exponas annex a statement, on oath, of the refusal of said
editor to publish said notice in his newspaper.