laws made by the president and directors; and also to make
such new by-laws, rules and regulations, as a majority of
the whole number of votes of the stockholders shall assent
to, which shall be binding on the president and directors,
until repealed, in like manner, at a meeting of the stock-
CHAP. 183.
holders; Provided that such by-laws shall not be contrary
to any of the provisions of this charter, or the laws of this
state, or of the United States.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That all the joint stock,
property, funds and effects, of the said company, shall be
answerable for all the contracts made by or for the said com-
pany, and for all just claims against the same, but none of
the stockholders shall be liable in person or property, for
any contracts of, or claims against the said corporation; and
the service of legal process on any of the directors, shall be
sufficient service on the corporation.
Joint stock
answerable for
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act con-
tained shall be construed to restrict the right of the legis-
lature, which is hereby reserved in its fullest extent, to
impose, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, and
levy, such reasonable tax by license, or otherwise, upon all
property, estate and funds, in which the capital stock of
the said company hereby incorporated, shall be invested,
in common with similar property, estate or funds, of any
other company, corporation, or individuals of this state.
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That this act shall be and
continue in force until the first day of January in the year
eighteen hundred and sixtv, and until the end of the next
session of assembly thereafter.
Right of legisla-
ture not restricted
Duration of act
An Additional Supplement to the Act for the better re-
gulation of Chancery Proceedings in certain Cases.
Passed Mar 13,1828
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That if in any suit which has been or shall hereafter
he instituted on the equity side of any of the county courts
of this state, for the sale of deceased persons' real estates,
for the payment of debts or legacies, or for the sale of any
mortgage premises, or to foreclose any mortgage premises,
or to compel the conveyance of any real estate, where the
complainant or complainants may have an equitable interest
or title therein, any infant defendant or defendants, resid-
ing in this state, against whom the process of said court hath
issued, or shall hereafter issue, and the said infant defend-
ant or defendants, residing in this state, against whom the
process of said court hath issued, or shall hereafter issue,
and the said infant defendant or defendants have not or shall
not appear, either before the said court, or commissioner, as
Proceedingsi in
case any suits
which have been or-
may hereafter be
instituted on the
county side to sell