CHAP. 179.
An Act to prevent the operation of the Escheat Laws of
Passed Mar 13,1829
this State in certain cases.
WHEREAS by the petition of Charles Carroll of Carrollton,
it appears that three of his grand-daughters, to wit. Mary Ann,
Elizabeth and Louisa, the children of his daughter Mary Ca-
ton, the wife of Richard Caton, reside in Great Britain, and
that two of them, to wit. Mary Ann and Louisa, are intermar-
ried with subjects of the king of Great Britain: And whereas
it also appears that Emily, the fourth daughter of said Richard
Caton and Mary Caton, is also intermarried with a subject of
the king of Great Britain, and resides with her said husband
in this state: And whereas it is desirable to prevent the opera-
tion of the escheat lawsof this state upon any lands in this
state now held by the said four daughters of Richard Caton
and Mary Caton, or upon any other lands which may hereaf-
ter be acquired by them, respectively, by descent, deed or de-
vise, from their grandfather Charles Carroll of Carrollton, a-
foresaid, or from their parents Richard Caton or Mary Caton
aforesaid, or from one to the other of them the said Mary Ann,
Elizabeth, Louisa and Emily , respectively, by reason of the
non-residence of them, or either of them, and their respec-
tive husbands, in this state, or by reason of the present or fu-
ture intermarriage of them, or either of them, with persons,
not citizens of this state, or by reason of the descendant or
descendants of them, or either of them, being born out of the
United States, and not entitled to citizenship in this state;
Escheats not to
operate on lands
held by grand
children of Chas.
Carroll of Carroll-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That no escheat shall operate upon any lands in this
state, now held by the said four grand-daughters of Charles
Carroll of Carrollton, or either of them, or upon any lands
which may hereafter be acquired by them respectively, by de-
scent, deed or devise, to them respectively, from their grand-
father Charles Carroll of Carrollton, aforesaid, or from their
parents Richard Caton or Mary Caton aforesaid, or from one
to the other of them the said Mary Ann, Elizabeth, Louisa
and Emily, or from the descendant or descendants of anyone
of them, to the descendants of any others of them, the said
Mary Ann, Elizabeth, Louisa and Emily, by reason of the
non-residence of them, or either of them, and their respec-
tive husbands, in this state, or by reason of the present or fu-
ture intermarriage of them, or either of them, with persons
not citizens of this state, or by reason of the descendant or
descendants of them, or either of them, being born out of
the United States, and not entitled to citizenship in this
To have the rights
of citizens, &c
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Mary Ann, E-
lizabeth, Louisa and Emily, and their descendants respec-
tively, shall, in relation to all such lands now held, or hereaf-