who has been duly registered and licensed to practice dentistry
by a Board of Dental Examiners created and existing under
the laws of the United States, or any of its territories, dis-
tricts or possessions, or under the laws of any State of the
United States.
Students of dentistry at a recognized college of dentistry
who have completed their third year of study, and who may
be certified by the dean of the college at which they are in
attendance as having satisfactorily completed certain subjects
which are included in the examination given by the Board,
may on application be admitted by said Board to its regular
examination upon such subjects, and upon passing such ex-
amination shall be deemed to have absolved the requirements
of the Board in such subjects.
5. A fee of $20 shall be paid to secretary of the Board at
the time of application by each applicant for examination, or
registration, or both, as often as he or she shall apply for
same; provided, however, that the fee for a temporary certifi-
cate, if issued, shall be $5.00; and provided further that pay-
ment of said fee of $20.00 by a dental student who may apply
for examination upon certain subjects as provided in Section
4 hereof shall entitle him or.her to take the examination upon
the remainder of the prescribed subjects, no part of said fee
to be refunded under any circumstances.
6. The fees collected by the Board shall be used to defray
the cost of executing and enforcing the provisions of this
Article, including a salary to the Secretary as fixed by the
Board and a per diem to each member of the Board of $25.00
for every day he is actually employed in the discharge of his
official duties, necessary expenses of the Secretary and mem-
bers in the performance of their official duties, and such other
expenses as the Board shall deem necessary in carrying out the
purposes of this Article. The Secretary shall receive and
disburse all moneys of the Board, and shall account for the
same to the State Comptroller in the month of December in
each and every year; and should the amount in his hands as
of December first in any year, after deducting all expenses
paid or incurred, exceed $500.00, the excess shall be paid over
to the State Board of Health.
7. Transcripts from the aforesaid book of registration certi-
fied by the Secretary, sealed with its seal, and all certificates