issued in pursuance of the terms of this Article, shall be evi-
dence in any court of this State.
8. Upon presentation to the Board of a certified copy of a
court record showing that the practitioner of dentistry has
been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, or upon
a finding by the Board after notice and an opportunity to him
to be heard that a practitioner of dentistry (a) has presented
to the Board a false diploma, license, or certificate, or one
obtained by fraud or illegal means, or (b) by reason of persist-
ent inebriety or addiction to drugs is incompetent to continue
in the practice of dentistry, or (c) has been guilty of using
fraudulent or misleading advertisements, or (d) has per-
mitted directly or indirectly an unregistered or unlicensed
person to practice dentistry under his or her direction, or
(e) has been guilty of dishonorable or grossly unprofessional
conduct, the fact shall be noted by the Board upon the record
of registration, and the registration and certificate of the
practitioner so offending shall be cancelled; and any person
whose registration shall have been cancelled under the pro-
visions of this section shall be deemed an unregistered person,
and subject as such to the penalties prescribed for the practice
of dentistry by persons that are not duly registered.
9. Every person shall be deemed to be practicing dentistry
within the meaning of the penalties of this Article, who shall
either for pay in any form or gratuitously perform any opera-
tion or any part of any operatior, of any kind pertaining to
the human mouth, treat diseases of the human teeth or jaws,
or correct mal-positions thereof, or who shall adverti.se or
hold himself out to practice dentistry or dental surgery in
any of its branches by putting out a sign or in any other
10. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of
this Article, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than fifty dol-
lars nor more than three hundred dollars, or be confined not
more than six months in jail, in the discretion of the court or
justice of the peace; and upon conviction of a subsequent
offense, shall be confined not more than six months in jail, and
fined not more than three hundred dollars. Any violation of
this Article by a person convicted under the then existing laws
of this State of practicing dentistry without a license or regis-
tration shall be included in the term subsequent offense.