also be the legal custodian of all the property, money, minutes,
records, proceedings and the seal of said Board. Said Board
shall hold regular meetings in the months of June and Novem-
ber of every year, and special meetings as it may deem neces-
sary, upon call of the president or secretary thereof and upon
due notice. A majority of said Board shall at all times con-
stitute a quorum, but a less majority may adjourn from time
to time; the proceedings thereof shall at all reasonable times
be open to public inspection. The Board shall adopt and have
a seal inscribed substantially as follows: "Man-land State
Board of Dental Examiners, 1884." Said Board shall an-
nually on or before the first day of December in each year,
submit to the Governor a, report in writing of its proceedings.
4. Any person of good moral character, twenty-one or
more years of age, who has been graduated and admitted to
the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery, Doctor of Dental
Medicine, or other equivalent degree by any university or col-
lege duly incorporated and authorized to grant said degree by
the laws of the United States or any of its territories, dis-
tricts or possessions, or by the laws of any State of the
United States, and recognized by the Dental Educational
Council of America as maintaining an acceptable course in
Dental Education, may make application in writing to said
Board to be examined by it with reference to his or her quali-
fications to practice dentistry as aforesaid, and upon his or her
passing an examination satisfactory to said board, which ex-
amination shall be in writing so far as said board shall deem
practicable the Board shall cause the name and residence of
such person to be registered in a book kept by it for that pur-
pose, and shall issue to such person a certificate of registra-
tion, as evidence of his eligibilty to practice dentistry, signed
by the officers of the Board and sealed with its official seal,
which certificate shall also state the name of the person to
whom issued, and the date of such issuance.
The Board may, in its discretion, register without examina-
tion and issue a certificate (permanently or until the next
regular meeting of the Board) to any person who has been
graduated and admitted to the degree of Doctor of Dental
Surgery or equivalent degree by any university or college in-
corporated and authorized to grant such degree by the laws of
the United States, or any of its territories, districts or pos-
sessions, or by the laws of any State of the United States, and