SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That. Bernard M. Ball, Edward P. Eyler, Viola Pearl
Hoffmaster, John D. Hollyday, Henry B. Lowman, Charles
S. Ponteney, Bess C. Sager, Samuel P. E. Stockslager, John
T. Talbert, Jenoris F. Troxell and Joseph C. Weisner, of .
Washington County, and their successors as hereinafter pro-
vided for, be and they are hereby created a body corporate
with perpetual succession under the name of the World's War.
Memorial Association of the Funkstown District and by that
name may and shall have succession and shall be in law capable
of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, de-
fending and being defended in all Courts and places where-
soever, in all manner of actions, suits, matters, complaints and
causes, and may have and use a common seal and change and
alter the same, and shall be capable of acquiring, purchasing
and taking by gift, grant, devise or bequest or otherwise, in
trust or in perpetuity, and of holding real and personal estate .
and property for the uses and purposes of the said corpora-
tion, and to sell, dispose of, invest and re-invest any and all
property so received by them as in their judgment may best
serve the interest and welfare of the said memorial.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the objects of the
said corporation are to purchase or receive a suitable lot or
parcel of ground, in the town of Funkstown, Washington
County, Maryland, and to erect, establish and maintain thereon
an appropriate memorial, monument or tablet, to be dedicated
to the memory of the young men of said town, and of Funks-
town Election District, who gave their lives for their country
in the late World's War, and in honor of all citizens of said
district who served in said war as soldiers, sailors, marines
and nurses.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the affairs of said
corporation shall be conducted by a board of trustees, to con-
sist of not exceeding eleven persons, no one of whom shall
directly or indirectly receive any compensation for services,
nor be interested in any contract relating to said memorial.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the persons named
in the first section of this Act, or such of them as accept this
appointment, and such other persons as they may in accord-
ance with the by-laws of the said corporation appoint, shall be
the trustees of the said corporation, and shall have power to
make by-laws, not inconsistent with the law, and to alter the