not for investment by any hospital or asylum not organized or
conducted for profit, shall be subject to State, county and
municipal taxation, be, and the same is hereby extended for a
period of two years, dated from January 1st, 1920.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from June 1, 1920.
Approved April 9, 1920.
AN ACT to authorize and empower the State Road Commis-
sion of Maryland to build and construct an improved
lateral road over the roadbed of the Seven Locks Road
known as the County Alms House Road in the Fourth
Election District of Montgomery County, for a distance
of two miles, beginning at the intersection of the Seven
Locks Road with the Great Falls Road and extending in
a southerly direction; one-half of the cost to be paid by
the State Roads Commission out of any funds appor-
tioned to Montgomery County for road purposes, and
one-half of the cost to be paid by the County Commis-
sioners of Montgomery County out of any fund author-
ized to be raised for road construction under any general
law of the State.
AN ACT to transfer and convey unto the Board of Educa-
tion of Cecil County a, certain lot or tract of land situate
in the Town of Port Deposit, in Cecil County, Mary-
land, which said lot belongs to the State of Maryland.
WHEREAS, Bridget McCay, late of Cecil County, deceased,
was seized and possessed in her lifetime in fee simple of a
certain lot or tract of land situate in the Town of Port De-
posit, in said county, which was conveyed to her by James
Black Groome, Trustee; and
WHEREAS, The said Bridget McCay died, seized and pos-
sessed thereof intestate and without legal heirs, and the said
land became the property of the State of Maryland on the
death of the said Bridget McCay, intestate; now, therefore,