SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That all that certain lot or tract of land situate in the
town of Port Deposit, Cecil County, Maryland, being a part
of Lot No. 23 on the plat of that part of Port Deposit which
shows the real estate of Sarah M. Thomas and which lies on
the east side of High Street, fronting forty feet thereon and
extending rectangularly up the hill easterly 207 feet; said
lot being subject to a lease now owned by the Jacob Tome
Institute and upon which there accrues yearly a rent of
twenty-five dollars ($25.00) it being the same tract or lot of
land which was conveyed unto the said Bridget McCay by
James Black Groome, Trustee, by deed dated the 18th day of
July, 1878, and recorded in Liber A. W. M. No. 10, folio 45,
and which became the property of the State of Maryland, on
the death as aforesaid of the said Bridget McCay, be and the
same is hereby transferred and conveyed unto the Board of
Education of Cecil County, to be used and appropriated or
sold by them, and the proceeds thereof be placed with the
general school fund of said Cecil County.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect on the 1st day of June, 1920, hereafter.
Approved April 23, 1920.
AN ACT to legalize the Code of Public Local Laws of Cecil
County, as codified under the provisions of Chapter 261
of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Code of Public Local Laws of Cecil County,
Maryland, as codified under the provisions of Chapter 261, of
the Acts of 1916, including the Local Acts applicable to Cecil
County, passed by the General Assembly of Maryland of 1920,
and including a proper index thereto, be and the same is
hereby legalized, and shall be evidence in all the Courts, and
before all Justices of the Peace and all other public officers of
this State, of the Public Local Laws of Cecil County and shall
be substituted for Article 8 of the Code of Public Laws of
Cecil County of 1888, title "Cecil County," and shall be
known as Article 8, title "Cecil County," provided that this