and certain laterals, and to issue county bonds to an
amount not exceeding $20,000 to pay for such improve-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Prince George's
County are hereby directed within sixty days from the date
this Act becomes effective to cause to be made a survey of the
Sheriff Road from the District Line to Bright-seat and of the
Bladensburg-Marlboro Road from Brightseat to Largo and
the lateral from the Sheriff Road recently opened, to the Land-
over-Tuxedo Road and within thirty days after the completion
of said survey shall advertise for bids in such newspapers
and for such length of time as they deem advisable for the im-
provements of said roads in a manner to be determined upon
by said Commissioners, which improvements however in the
way of grading, draining and surfacing said roads shall be
estimated to cost as near as practicable the sum of $200,000;
it being the purpose of this Act that the County Commission-
ers shall spend on these roads as defined in the. most judicious
and practicable manner and for improvements permanent so
far as the amount allowed will permit in order that said roads
may be passable and in good condition at all times of the year;
and the sum authorized to be spent herein shall be as equally
distributed as practicable throughout the whole length of the
roads defined in this section. The cost of the survey esti-
mating, preparation of specifications and other incidentals
including the cost of the sale of the bonds shall be paid out of
the proceeds of the bonds hereinafter provided for.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose
set forth in Section 1 of this Act the County Commissioners
of Prince George's County are hereby authorized and directed
to borrow on the faith and credit of said county, an amount
not exceeding the sum of $20,000, and to issue bonds therefor
either coupon or registered in sums of $100 or any multiple
thereof to be signed by the President of said Commissioners
and the Clerk thereof, and with the seal of said Commissioners
attached, said bonds to be registered by said Clerk in a sepa-
rate book kept for that purpose; said bonds shall bear interest
at a rate not exceeding five and one-half per cent per annum,
payable semi-annually and shall bear a reference to this Act
as having authorized the same. All of said bonds to mature