660 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 379
vided further, if such teacher has taught two years, such
teacher shall receive an annual salary of not less than twelve
hundred twenty-four dollars ($1,224.00), and provided fur-
ther, if such teacher has taught three years, such teacher shall
receive an annual salary of not less than twelve hundred
eighty-four dollars ($1,284.00), and provided further, if such
teacher has taught four, five or six years, such teacher shall
receive an annual salary of not less than thirteen hundred
fifty-six dollars ($1,356.00), and provided further, if such
teacher has taught seven years or over, such teacher shall re-
ceive an annual salary of not less than fourteen hundred
forty dollars ($1,440.00).
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That no principal of
a first group State high school, having a first class State high
school principal's certificate, having taught four years, shall
receive an annual salary of less than twenty-five hundred
twenty dollars ($2,520.00), provided, if such principal has
taught seven years or over, such principal shall receive an
annual salary of not less than twenty-eight hundred twenty
dollars ($2,820.00).
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted. That no principal of
a second group State high school, having a first class State
high school principal's certificate, who has taught four years,
shall receive an annual salary of less than twenty-two hun-
dred twenty dollars ($2,220.00) ; provided, if such principal
has taught seven years, such principal shall receive an annual
salary of not less than twenty-five hundred twenty dollars
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That no principal of
a third group State high school, having a first class State
high school principal's certificate, who has taught four years,
shall receive an annual salary of less than sixteen hundred
twenty dollars ($1,620.00) ; provided, if such principal has
taught seven years or over, such principal shall receive an
annual salary of not less than nineteen hundred twenty dol-
lars ($1,920.00).
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That all teachers
having a second class certificate shall receive an annual salary
of not less than sixty dollars ($60.00) below the salaries
hereinbefore provided for teachers having a first class cer-
tificate of like grade.