SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That no teacher shall
receive the fourth increase called for in this Act unless such
teacher shall have placed on file with the Board of Education
of Allegany County a certificate from a summer school, ap-
proved by said board, proving to the satisfaction of said
board that such teacher has received credit for at least two
courses of serious and one of recreational work in said sum-
mer school, provided that no teacher shall receive the fifth
increase for the eighth year of teaching called for in this
Act who shall not have presented a second certificate from
such approved summer school, proving, as aforesaid, that
such teacher has received additional credit for at least two
courses of serious and one of recreational work in such sum-
mer school, and provided further, that the terms of this sec-
tion shall not be effective until after July 31, 1921.
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the Board of
Education of Allegany County may or may not, in its dis-
cretion, allow credit for experience in schools outside of Alle-
gany County.
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That no principal of
an elementary school having one assistant shall receive an,
annual salary of less than one hundred eight dollars
($108.00) more than such principal's salary would be as an
assistant according to this Act; provided, if such principal
has two assistants, such principal shall receive an annual sal-
ary of not less than two hundred four dollars ($204.00) more
than such principal's salary would be as an assistant accord-
ing to this Act, and provided further, if such principal has
three assistants, such principal shall receive an annual salary
of not less than two hundred eighty-eight dollars ($288.00)
more than such principal's salary would be as an assistant
according to this Act, and provided further, if such principal
has four assistants, such principal shall receive an annual
salary of not less than three hundred sixty dollars ($360.00)
more than such principal's salary would be as an assistant
acocrding to this Act, and provided further, if such principal
has five assistants, such principal shall receive an annual sal-
ary of not less than four hundred twenty dollars ($420.00)
more than such principal's salary would be as an assistant
according to this Act, and provided further, if such principal
has six assistants, such principal shall receive an annual sal-