of said county and no other, the necessary amount and to es-
tablish a sinking fund in some bank in a separate account and
to pay therein annually the amount necessary to provide for
the redemption of said bonds at the maturity thereof.
Approved April 9, 1920.
AN ACT to authorize and require the County Commissioners
of Montgomery County to issue and sell bonds to the
amount of sixty thousand ($60,000) dollars to be ex-
pended in the repair of the road from Travilah to Hunt-
ing Hill and the construction or repair of the road from
Hunting Hill to Rockville, and to provide for the pay-
ment of interest and redemption of said bonds by a tax
levy on the Sixth Election District and the Fourth Elec-
tion District of Montgomery County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Montgomery County
are hereby authorized and directed to issue, upon the faith
and credit of the said county, coupon bonds to the amount
of sixty thousand ($60,000) dollars in such denominations as
they deem advisable, to bear interest at the rate of five per
centum per annum, payable semi-annually, provided that all
bonds issued under the provisions of this Act shall be redeem-
able as follows, that is to say, not less than two thousand
($2,000) dollars thereof in one year from the date of their
issue and thereafter annually two thousand ($2,000) dollars
each and every year until the whole amount of said bonds
and coupons shall have been paid; and to this end the said
County Commissioners shall issue the said bonds, in series,
redeemable in their proper order. The said County Commis-
sioners of Montgomery County are hereby directed to adver-
tise said bonds for sale in one newspaper of general circulation
published in Baltimore City, and in one newspaper of general
circulation published within Montgomery County, inviting
sealed proposals on a clay to be named in the advertisement
for the purchase of the said bonds. At the time mentioned
in the said advertisement, the said County Commissioners of
Montgomery County shall publicly open said proposals and
award said bonds to the highest bidder.