scribed in said will as St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran
Church, said last will and testament being recorded in Liber
H. W. J. No. 133, folio 551, being one of the books of record
jn the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City, Mary-
21. To the deed and conveyance made by Susie A. McGee to
St. Mary's Seminary, Perry County, Missouri, of all that prop-
erty in Baltimore City, State of Maryland, situate on the north
side of Whitridge avenue, beginning three hundred and fifty-
eight feet westerly from the York Road, fronting on Whitridge
avenue fifteen feet with a northerly depth of seventy-five feet,
which said deed and conveyance was on the 17th day of Janu-
ary, 1920, recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber S. C. L. 3515, folio 383.
2.2. To the bequest made by and contained in the last will
and testament of Mary Buckingham, late of Carroll County,
Maryland, of three hundred dollars ($300) to the Trustees of
Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church at Westminster, Car-
roll County, Maryland, said will and testament being duly re-
corded among the will records of Carroll County, Maryland,
December 30, 1918, in Liber W. A. No. 12, folio 213.
23. To the following gifts and bequests contained in the
last will and testament of Susan Haugh, deceased, late of
Frederick County. Said will and testament is recorded in the
office of the Register of Wills of Frederick County in Liber
A. M. P. No. 1, folio 52: (a) To the Ladies' Aid Society of
the Centenial Memorial U. B. Church of Frederick, the sum
of ten dollars ($10.00) ; (b) to the Christian Endeavor Society
of Centenial Memorial U. B. Church of Frederick, the sum of
ten dollars ($10.00) ; (c) to the Trustees of the Centenial
Memorial U. B. Church of Frederick, the residue and re-
mainder of her estate.
24. To the deed from Andrew J. Barren and others to the
St. Joseph's Society for Colored Missions of Baltimore City,
dated September 10th, 1913, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 2848, folio
325, etc., conveying the ground and premises on the southwest
side of Argyle avenue in Baltimore City.
25. To the following bequests contained in the last will and
testament of Margaret P. Johnson, deceased, viz: (a) Under
Item 29 of the last will and testament of Margaret P. Johnston,
deceased, the sum of $10,000 to the vestry of St. John's