WHEREAS, At the election directed to be held in the said Act,
the voters of the town of Cambridge, aforesaid, by a majority
vote to issue the said bonds, and the same were later duly
issued and sold according to the terms and provisions of the
said Act; and,
WHEREAS, In each and every year since the issuing and sell-
ing of the said bonds, the Commissioners, aforesaid, pursuant
to the said Act of Assembly, have levied upon and collected
from all of the taxable property, aforesaid, a certain sum of
money which they have placed in the town treasury as a sink-
ing fund to redeem the said bonds and pay the interest on
them as the same should become due and payable; and,
WHEREAS, It has been found that the sums of money levied
and collected and placed in the town treasury, as aforesaid,
with the accumulating interest thereon, has been more than
necessary for the redeeming of the said bonds and the paying
of interest thereon, and has created a surplus in the town
treasury in the said sinking fund; and,
WHEREAS, By Chapter 364 of the Acts of the General As-
sembly in the year 1918, the said Commissioners of Cambridge
were authorized and required to issue and sell bonds upon the
faith and credit of the said town of Cambridge, in the sum of
twelve thousand dollars to purchase fire fighting apparatus
for the Fire Department of Cambridge; and,
WHEREAS, The said last named bonds were duly issued and
sold as required by the said Act, and the money arising there-
from used by the Commissioners, aforesaid, for the purpose
of purchasing the said fire fighting apparatus; and,
WHEREAS, At the time of the issuing of the said last named
bonds, in the month of July, 1919, the needs of the Fire De-
partment of Cambridge has become such, and the equipment
urgently needed had so rapidly increased in price and cost
since the passing of the said Act, that the amount of money
therein authorized to be raised as aforesaid, was insufficient
to buy the said needed equipment, and a. certain kind and
class of fire fighting apparatus being needed as aforesaid, and
the money available for the purpose being insufficient, and
there being a surplus in the said sinking fund sufficient for
the purpose, the said Commissioners of Cambridge purchased
the needed fire fighting apparatus, and in doing so were com-
pelled to pay in addition to the said authorized sum of