Laws of Maryland of 1920
At a Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun- and
held in the City of Annapolis on the seventh day of
January., Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred
and twenty and ending on the fifth day of April of
the same year, the Honorable Albert C. Ritchie being
the Governor of the State, the following laws were
enacted, to wit:
AN ACT to confirm and ratify the action of the Commission-
ers of the town of Cambridge, in Dorchester County,
State of Maryland, in appropriating and expending from
the funds in the treasury of the said town known as the
"Sinking Fund," heretofore collected by the Commis-
sioners of Cambridge in the way of taxes upon the taxable
property within the corporate limits of the said town un-
der the power and authority of Section 4 of Chapter 486
of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland in the
year 1910, of the sum of $4108.75, in the year 1919, for fire
fighting apparatus.
WHEREAS, By Chapter 486 of the Acts of the General As-
sembly of Maryland, in the year 1910, the Commissioners of
Cambridge were authorized and empowered, subject to a
preceding ratification by the people of the said town, to issue
bonds and sell the same for the purpose of improving certain
streets in the said Act mentioned and to lay sewers under
the said streets, a.nd the said Commissioners were authorized
and directed by Section 4 of the said Act to levy upon the tax-
able property within the corporate limits of the said town in
each year after the issuing of the bonds, such a sum of money
as would be necessary to redeem the said bonds and also pay
the interest on them when the same should be due, and to
keep the said money so collected, in the treasury of the town as
a sinking fund; and,