missioners of Allegany County, to be used by them to retire
said bonds.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted. That this Act shall take
effect from the first day of June, nineteen hundred twenty
Approved April 9, 1920.
AN ACT to add a, new section to Article 12 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Garrett County,"
sub-title "Oakland," to be designated as Section 178-A,
authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Oakland to
declare void and ended certain franchises, and to grant
new franchises and give power to condemn property lay-
ing on, in, through or under the streets, lanes, alleys or
public places in said City of Oakland.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 37A
of Article 1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-
land, title "Allegany County," sub-title "County Com-
missioners, '' enacted by Chapter 539 of the Acts of 1904,
relating to the amounts to be paid to certain towns of the
county for streets and highways.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 37A of Article 1 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Allegany County," sub-title
"County Commissioners," as enacted by Chapter 539 of the
Acts of 1904, be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments to read as follows:
37A. The County Commissioners of Allegany County shall,
in the annual levy of the funds of said county, levy and appro-
priate the sum of fifteen thousand eight hundred dollars to
the incorporated towns of said county, to be appropriated
amongst the respective towns of said county as follows: The