but. shall be allowed their actual traveling and other necessary
expenses while in attendance upon their duties, as authorized
by this resolution.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Commission shall
have power to employ such legal counsel and other officers,
advisers and employes as it may deem necessary to properly
perform its duties. The salary of any such person employed
by the Commission shall be fixed by it.
SEC. 5. And be iti enacted, That the said Commission shall
hold its meetings in Baltimore or elsewhere, where all persons
who are interested in the revision and codification of the Mary-
land Mining Laws may appear and give expression to their
views. The Commission shall have the right to call into
consultation any person who, in its opinion, may be able to
give information that will assist in the work or revision and
codification, and shall make a full report in writing of its
deliberation, together with such recommendations as it may
deem proper, to the next General Assembly, which shall con-
vene in January. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the expenses of the said
Commission shall not exceed $4,500 and shall be paid on war-
rant duly signed by the Chairman of the Commission.
Approved April 23, 1920.
No. 26.
JOINT RESOLUTION providing for the appointment by
His Excellency, the Governor of Maryland, of a com-
mission to revise the insurance laws of the State and
report to the next General Assembly.
WHEREAS, The insurance laws of this State are cumber-
some, unscientific as to classification and arrangement of
subject matter, and contain numerous inconsistencies, ambig-
uities and repetitions, and are badly in need of revision in
the interest of simplicity, clarity and the co-ordination of
the various inter-related matters dealing with insurance;
now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a
commission, not exceeding seven in number, to be appointed