citizens of this State to use the same for the purpose of fishing,
ducking, navigation, sailing, bathing, etc.
And be it further resolved, That the Secretary of the State
of Maryland he and he is hereby requested to immediately
transmit, under the Great Seal of this State, a copy of the
aforegoing resolution and memorial to each of the Senators
and Representatives now in the.Congress of the United States,
from the State of Maryland, with the earnest request that
they lay the same before the Adjutant General of the Army,
or, in case they fail in securing relief from him, then before
their respective Houses, in order to secure the relief herein
Approved April 23, 1920.
No. 24.
JOINT RESOLUTION authorizing and requesting the Gov-
ernor to appoint a Commission of six persons to revise
and codify the Mining Laws of Maryland, and to provide
for the expenses of such Commission.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Governor be, and he is hereby, author-
ized and requested to appoint a Commission to revise and
codify the Mining Laws of Maryland, the said Commission
to he composed of six members, two of whom shall be selected
from the operators, managers and superintendents of the
Maryland Mining Region ; two from the mine workers of the
said Region, and two, one of whom shall be a person techni-
cally versed in the art of mining, from the general public;
provided, however, that neither of the persons representing
the public shall have any pecuniary interest in any Maryland
mining operations, nor shall they represent or be connected
directly or indirectly with any labor union or employers'
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Governor shall have
the power to fill all vacancies caused by death, resignation
or otherwise, and to designate the Chairman of the Commis-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the members of the said
Commission shall receive no compensation for their services,