by the Governor of Maryland not later than July 1, 1920,
at least one member of which must be a representative of the
State Insurance Department of Maryland, be, and the same
is hereby authorized and created, to serve without compensa-
tion, for the purpose of revising the insurance laws of this
State, and that said commission report the result of its labors
to the General Assembly of 1922.
Approved April 23, 1920.
No. 27.
A JOINT RESOLUTION of the General Assembly of Mary-
land requesting the Governor of Maryland to make
provision in his next budget for the payment of certain,
claims and losses sustained by the H. D. "Watts Co., Inc.,
under the laws of the State of Maryland for work, labor
and material supplied in the building of the State armor-
ies at Cambridge, Hyattsville and Westminster, in the-
State of Maryland, under and by virtue of an Act of the
General Assembly of Maryland of 1916, Chapter 681.
WHEREAS, On the 27th day of February, 1937, the H. D.
Watts Co., a corporation, duly incorporated under the laws of
the State of Maryland, and the State of Maryland, through its
duly appointed, and bona fide representative, entered into the
contract for the erection of armories in Cambridge, Hyatts-
ville and Westminster, in the State of Maryland, and among
other things in the contract provided that the agent, on the
part -of the State of Maryland, should provide the sites upon
which the armories were to be erected, on or before April 1,
1917, and as a matter of fact, in violation of the contract,
provided the sites as follows: April 1, 1917, at Westminster,-
August 10, 1917, at Cambridge; October 1, 1917, at Hyatts-
ville, and in the meantime, namely, on April 7, 1917, the
United States having declared war with Germany there fol-
lowed a great advance in labor, material and supplies of all
kinds, which worked hardship unforeseen and uncontemplated
in the contract upon the. said the H. D. Watts Co., which was
added to and caused additional losses to said Company because
of the delay in obtaining sites upon which to commence the
work, which delay was in no way the fault of the H. D. Watts
Co., and during which delay prices of labor, material and