House of Representatives of the United States, requesting
that they endeavor to have the United States Government
permit the citizens of the State of Maryland to use the
waters of Bush River, in the State of Maryland.
WHEREAS, The citizens of the State of Maryland have been
from time immemorial accustomed to enjoy the use and bene-
fit of the waters of Bush River, a navigable stream which lies
wholly within the State of Maryland, for fishing, ducking,
navigation, sailing, etc., subject to such laws and regulations
as have from time to time been enacted by the Federal and
State Governments; and
WHEREAS, By a Proclamation of the President of the
United States, dated the 16th of October, 1917, "Declaring
the establishment of a reservation for a proposed Proving
Ground," the land on both sides of said river was appropri-
ated by the Federal Government for military purposes; and
WHEREAS, The Military Authorities of the United States
have, under the supposed powers vested in them by said
Proclamation, assumed jurisdiction over the waters of said
river from the point where it empties into the Chesapeake
Bay to the point where it is crossed by the Pennsylvania
Railroad, a distance of about ten miles, and refuse to allow
the citizens of this State to go upon or use the waters thereof
for any purpose whatsoever within the aforesaid limits; and
WHEREAS, The said action of the said Military Authorities
has imposed an unjust and unnecessary hardship upon the
citizens of this State, who were accustomed to the use and
enjoyment of said stream as aforesaid, and also to a large
number of persons who were dependent for food upon the
fish formerly taken therefrom ; therefore
Be it Revolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Representatives from the State of Maryland in the United
States Senate and the House of Representatives of the United
States, respectively, be and they are hereby requested to
promptly bring to the attention of the Adjutant General
of the Army, and, if necessary, to Congress, the importance
and necessity of altering the present laws, rules, regulations
or orders in effect in reference to said Bush River and to pass
such laws, rules, regulations or orders as will permit the