of the sea is of great importance to the commercial and ship-
ping interests of the State of Maryland; and
WHEREAS, There is now pending before the Congress of the
United States, Senate Joint Resolution 102, which has for its
purpose the equalization of the pay and allowances of com-
missioned officers, warrant officers and enlisted men of the
Coast Guard with those of the Navy, said Senate Joint Reso-
lution having been favorably reported by the Committee on
Commerce of the Senate of the United States; and
WHEREAS, It is of the utmost importance that the provisions
of said Joint Resolution he enacted into law at as early a date
as practicable, in order that the Coast Guard may be able to
retain the trained personnel, and to secure, by enlistment,
suitable recruits to man its vessels and stations, which has
become difficult on account of the greater rates of pay pre-
vailing in practically all business and commercial pursuits,
which conditions threaten the efficiency of the service; and
WHEREAS, It would be detrimental to the commercial and
shipping interests of the State of Maryland, if for any reason
the efficiency of the Coast Guard should become impaired;
Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the members of Congress from the State of Maryland be and
they are hereby earnestly requested to give their support to
Senate Joint Resolution 102 and to use their efforts to secure
its early passage by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolutions he sent to each
Senator and Representative in Congress from the State of
Maryland, to the Chairman of the Committee on Commerce
of the United States Senate and the Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of
Approved March 9, 1920.
No. 23.
Assembly of Maryland to the Representatives of the State
of Maryland in the United States Senate and in the